We believe modern building system design considers critical energy efficiency, reliability, and flexibility needs while providing economical solutions to maintenance and retrofit operations. In the past, many facilities were designed with modest consideration for energy-saving design methods and constructed for rapid payback as opposed to life-cycle investment. Our engineers analyze first cost, as well as operating costs, to recommend the most appropriate systems for the buildings. Excellent engineering design enhances the experience of the building occupants while consciously controlling ongoing costs for the building owners.
State-of-the-art can only be achieved when our engineering design solutions apply the latest technologies to the current and long-term needs of a building. When designing engineering solutions, the engineers at EwingCole take pride in providing clients with the best in engineering leadership, problem-solving, and cost-effective results. EwingCole nurtures a collaborative relationship between architect and engineer, so the building systems become an integral part of the building design.