EwingCole’s Digital Media Group (DMG) provides visual and building modeling services throughout the early stages of design. Our goal is to create an informative and transparent atmosphere throughout the design process and immerse our clients in their newly built environment before the first shovel meets the ground.
Since 2000, EwingCole DMG has been an incubator of talent and technology as a division of EwingCole. Our team draws upon its extensive expertise in graphic design, building modeling and interactive programming specialties while collaborating with veteran practice leaders and designers to create the most comprehensive visual models possible. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to meet the rapidly changing technological landscape and the ever-evolving needs of our clients.
Renderings are a valuable communications tool to help our clients make clear decisions on their building designs. Considering the significance renderings have on the design process, we aim to provide highly detailed images that depict the full scope and scale of the project.
Drones are changing the way we design buildings. They allow us to create more accurate plans, collect real-time data, and give the designer and client the complete picture of a project before and after construction.
Virtual reality (VR) is revolutionizing how we interact with our clients. VR gives us the ability to share the designed “reality” with our clients before the first shovel hits the ground.
Like VR, augmented reality (AR) has become another indispensable online collaborative tool. We use AR tools to help create a virtual presentation of cyberspatial information for clients, allowing them to make well-informed decisions on their spaces throughout the design process.