12 Apr News – Firmwide
EwingCole and the Watson Institute’s Design Research to receive Certificate of Research Excellence (CORE) for 2019
EwingCole is pleased to announce that research undertaken as part of a process-led ICU redesign building project has been selected by the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) to receive the 2019 Certificate of Research and Excellence (CORE). The research was conducted by EwingCole’s Alice Gittler, Director of Healthcare Design Research and Engagement and Farouq Halawa, Research Associate for the Watson Institute for Systems Excellence, in collaboration with Dr. Sreenath Chalil Madathil and Dr. Mohammed Khasawneh of Binghamton University.
“CORE recognizes rigorous, valuable, and impactful practice-based research that sparks innovation and promotes best practice in environmental design.” EDRA’s website states.
The study utilized simulation-based optimization to complement architectural planning and design research while applying a detailed analysis of workflow dynamics for an improved healthcare facility and operational design. This first-of-a-kind, ICU research effort incorporated lean and process improvement methods, predictive modeling, and simulation during design delivery that informed stakeholders on various design outcomes, such as team workflow, patient safety, and interdisciplinary care coordination using metrics such as circulation, congestion, and staff collaboration.
The results directly informed the future state ICUs which were “designed to support a highly engaged care team and foster a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment for practice.”
CORE recipients are selected for recognition based on a rigorous, double-blind review by an interdisciplinary panel of experts consisting of academic researchers, practice-based researchers, designers, and industry thought leaders. The CORE recipients will be recognized during EDRA50, May 22-26, 2019, in Brooklyn, New York.